Cerro Quemado
Cerro Quemado Sunset

“The Burned Peak”

Cerro Quemado is an active volcano located immediately south of Quezaltenango (Xela). The area is famous for rock climbing. The last eruption in 1818 produced an enormous, blocky 2.5-km-long lava flow.

Photo by: Zofia Radzikowska ©2018 MTBguatemala.com


5 Stars
Day of the Dead Enduro

Join us for a weeklong celebration of riding and local culture coinciding with el día de los muertos.

October 27 – Nov 3, 2025

A Mayan Ceremonial Site

Cerro Quemado is a place of great spiritual significance to many Guatemalans. Pilgrims gather at cracked lava field to pray and hold Mayan ceremonies. Hot springs are located on the northern and eastern flanks of the mountain.  The Zuníl geothermal field, the site of a geothermal power project, lies on the SE flank.

Mountain Biking near Cerro Quemado

We pass through the area of Cerro Quemado on several of our tours in the Quetzaltenango region including our 8 day Guatemalan Highland tour. There are several routes around the mountain with singletrack that through fields of flowers grown for the religious ceremonies – a sight not to be missed!

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©2018 MTBguatemala.com

Rock Climbing

Cerro Quemado is home to a collection of bolted sport climbing routes – making it the premiere rock climbing destination in Guatemala. The routes utilize crevasses in the lava field  – with sharp corners and features in the hardened magma.


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