Whoops sorry about that…
COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to affect, um everything. Here in Guatemala, we are most likely in a similar situation that you are: quarantined to our houses, connecting with our loved ones and trying to stay flexible while keeping the outlook positive. This pandemic will continue to affect travel for a long time.. but don't get to disappointed! We'll be waiting for you here in Guatemala.
"La aventura es un proyecto sin resultado conocido, cuando tienes que usar una combinación de tus habilidades y destrezas para lidiar con lo que venga después."
The Quote we used in our Spanish bulletin roughly translates to: Adventure is a project where the outcome remains unknown. This has been a mantra for me as well as Mountain Bike Guatemala as we forge new ground, challenge the definitions of what an eco mountain bike tour company is while staying true to our ethos. It's a good rule of thumb for life. What is Going on in Guatemala? The president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, made the call to shut down the borders here on March 16 after confirming the first case of the coronavirus in the country. The closing of the borders effectively put an end to tourism here, affecting the livelihoods of over a million people who work in hotels, restaurants and, gulp, bike tours. Although it hurts we are with him.
Tours tours and more tours It's been a minute. Mountain Bike Guatemala has been in the midst of our busiest season in history. This year we showed 180 people (an average of 4 tours a week) the best riding in the country with a unique approach to tourism that blends cultural education with some seriously awesome trails. In this newsletter I was going to tell you guys about our new routes, bikepacking itineraries, and trails that we have spent years developing, but that has to be put on hold for now.
All our rides traverse less visited villages, connecting international tourism with local small businesses and families who really appreciate our visit. Part of our mission has always been to take travel beyond the traditional tourism map connecting our guests with living Mayan Culture. Even if the borders were open we would feel the responsibility to close operations to protect the health of the vulnerable Mayan communities in which we travel. It's just the right thing to do. Existing Reservations We are doing the best we can to provide solutions for our riders with existing reservations – including transferable deposits and lifetime credit for a a tour with us in the future. We ask our clients to be patient and keep your dreams of visiting us in Guatemala in the future.
As a result of the efforts of the president and early national quarantine (we are on day 15). Guatemala has some of the lowest confirmed cases of the virus in Latin America. However, with over 50 percent our population here living on less than $5 a day pressure is mounting – people really want to get back to work and on their bikes. Worldwide, we are all adjusting to uncertainty and changing timeline that leaves the power out of our hands.
It's like a bike: breathe, be patient and find rhythm. The Future If you know or have met me you know that I am incredibly positive about Guatemala and its future. After watching the economy expand here the past few years, with a rising middle class, increased education and environmental awareness I feel like the rug has suddenly been ripped from under our feet. Mountain Bike Guatemala will continue our mission (albeit a bit more locally) to inspire adventure, community involvement and promote the positive impacts mountain biking can have for both the economy and the environment. We will also be updating www.mtbguatemala.com with new resources, trip reports, and trip planning information for bike travel in the country We will be sure to keep you up to date. This time in English! 😛 best,
-Brendan James Director
We are incredibly thankful to our guests, 4 full time employees and countless contractors who made this season possible. Your reviews help us to keep our standings in these difficult times as well as inspire more people keep the dream of visiting Guatemala. Drop us 5 Stars!
Mountain Bike Guatemala