Mountain Biking in Las Nubes is a way to get out of the city without going too far. The area is located in some of the largest mountains near Guatemala city reaching up to 2600m. True to its name: the mountainous Las Nubes are usually covered in fog with beautiful landscapes that are green and humid.
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October 27 – Nov 3, 2025
Mountain Biking in Las Nubes
In terms of proximity to Guatemala City the moutain biking in Las Nubes region is unparalleled. No where you find better trails for cross country mountain biking so close to the city. There are several mountain bike races held in the area each year including the 4 fetcha of El Rey de Los Cerros mountain bike Marathon series as well as the Raid Guatemala Stage race.
In Las Nubes there are hundreds of agricultural, logging and farm paths criss cross the region. The climb to the summit of Las Nubes at 2600m is well worth the effort with incredible 1200m+ singletrack descents that drop down to la tierra caliente – Guatemala’s hot lowlands.
On the rare chance that it is clear from you can get views of Guatemala city as well as the volcanoes of Antigua including the active Fuego and Pacaya Volcanoes.