
The Mayan heartland. High, pine forested mountains descend into a network of steep, dry canyons loaded with trails to explore.
Los Riscos de Momostenango, un bello capricho de la naturaleza  Totonicapán, Guatemala

Cycle Touring in Territorio K’iche

Exploring Quiché and the Chichicastenango market by bike
Mountain Biking in Quiché Guatemala

Mayan Ruins of Qʼumarkaj

Capital of the Kʼicheʼ Maya, Qʼumarkaj was one of the largest Mayan cities at the time of the Spanish conquest.
Guide Alex Saqbe giving a walking tour as the sun gets low over one of the piramids Ruins of Qʼumarkaj Quiché, Guatemala

Cicloturismo en Territorio Kiché

(español) Descubre el territorio de Quiché Guatemala: lugar de Cicloturismo y cultura Maya viva.
Mountain Biking in Quiché Guatemala

Chichicastenango Market

One of the largest traditional markets in Central America.
Maximón.  , Guatemala